Montag, 11. Januar 2010
Fifty-fifty household
As a rule family always takes two. Family takes two at first and then there may be other people in the family. Though, those first two of people are the base for the family and they are people to care after kids and home and the whole household. Things used to be clear when men were men and women were women but today there is no difference between male and female way of life and so there are some problems about the household. There are problems and those are about who will be the one to care about food and tidiness and the whole household stuff. And the best choice people are able to make is the choice about fifty-fifty household. It means that all those troubles are divided between people. Say, there is a person to care about food and there is another to care about cloths. People make an agreement and each does its duties and it is actually a good choice for people. This is the result of people’s ability for temporizing. And this ability is the main factor for people to be successful in their family and household life.