Montag, 11. Januar 2010

Children and work

People marry each other because they want to have a family and they really need it. That is why most people marry each other. And if people want a family they will soon think about kinds and as a rule all couples start having kids. And if there are kids there should be one who refuses the carrier and sacrifice it for the sake of kids. And that one is always a woman because nature created her as the keeper of hearth and fire. There is nothing wrong in it and it is actually right and this is the way things should be. But, sometimes another problem appears and this is the problems about importance of things spouses do. A man is tired after his work and he needs care after him at home, and woman is too tired to lay the table and she simply points on the oven and says that dinner is in there. And they sometimes quarrel because each of them thinks that another underestimates the job. This marriage won’t work if people act like that. They have to realize that job of both of them is tough and they have to care after each other.

Fifty-fifty household

As a rule family always takes two. Family takes two at first and then there may be other people in the family. Though, those first two of people are the base for the family and they are people to care after kids and home and the whole household. Things used to be clear when men were men and women were women but today there is no difference between male and female way of life and so there are some problems about the household. There are problems and those are about who will be the one to care about food and tidiness and the whole household stuff. And the best choice people are able to make is the choice about fifty-fifty household. It means that all those troubles are divided between people. Say, there is a person to care about food and there is another to care about cloths. People make an agreement and each does its duties and it is actually a good choice for people. This is the result of people’s ability for temporizing. And this ability is the main factor for people to be successful in their family and household life.

Donnerstag, 23. April 2009

The Household Community

A household is more than just a place to live; it is a community. Those who live in the household need to be willing to cooperate with one another and take other people’s needs into account. This is easier said than done, and maintaining a functioning household can take a whole lot of work. Unfortunately, most members of the household do not contribute equally. In a typical family, the responsibility for keeping the household going falls on the woman, despite all these years of feminist triumphs. Not only is it the woman who is still responsible for the majority of household chores, but the woman also maintains peace in the household.

This may not always be the case, but it is still true for the most part. Some fear that if women do not take the responsibility for the household, then it will fall apart. Considering that we are all taught our patterns by previous generations, change in these things can take a lot of time.

Regardless of who is responsible, the woman or the man, the household needs to keep functioning properly, and for this, there often needs to be somebody guiding it along. Sometimes, the household might come to represent a hotel more than a community. People come and go, grab a bite to eat when they’re passing through, and might say hello if they happen to run into someone. Or not. Avoiding this anonymity is the greatest challenge to preserving the community of a household today. In the end, the responsibility and the consequences fall equally upon all adult members of a household.

Mittwoch, 4. März 2009

The Rules Of Household

When you enter into your own household you are in control of the rules that you set forth. Whether you choose to run a very tight household with ample rules or you prefer the light atmosphere of a household with few rules, the results are yours to deal with. Maintaining your own set of household rules requires a dedication and a specific clarity of those rules. You can’t very well manage household rules if you are not clear on what they are.

Your household rules are part of your home’s integrity. Standing by them in the face of a guest or family member that breaches those simple rules creates a specific independence that turns you into a full fledged adult. Your household, your rules, and your place in it should never be challenged by a visitor. You children will challenge it because they are children and they have a need to offer you a headache. However, when your children are well aware that you do not allow others to enter your household and break the rules, they also realize that they are somehow safer and more cared for.

Whether your household rules are simple or they are complex, your rules are created to keep your home in a good working order and allowing others to compromise your position sends a definite signal that you are not in control of your own household. Standing behind your household rules does not imply that you need to be rude or incredulous, just firm and honest and true to yourself.

Montag, 2. Februar 2009

Mites and fungi

Mite is a constant companion of people throughout his life. The main food for mites are dead skin cells. Every year people lose up to two kilograms. skin, the bulk of which remains on the bed linen. Therefore, the main habitat and breeding is a bed, carpets with natural pile, place of dust, etc. In your bed live up to 2 million mites, the best environment for their habitat and breeding grounds.
Dust mites and mold fungi can be found in every home (90% of the houses are tiny (from 0.1 mm to 0.5 mm), dust mites). Even with regular and thorough cleaning constantly develop new particles of dust and flakes of human skin.
Mold fungi are another cause of allergies and ticks, along with a "mutually beneficial partnership." Fungi join keratin skin flakes, the breakdown of which of the products to ensure food household dust mites. Thus, the mold fungi serve not only as a direct food for mites, but also "a means of digestion." There are mites, and their vital products contain allergens that cause asthma, eczema and inflammation of mucous membrane of nose. Heat and humidity increases the number of fungi. If it is too dry air suffers mucose upper respiratory tract, and people experiencing dryness in the throat, hoarseness, reduction of smell, nasal bleeding. The reaction of the mucous membrane - atrophy, allergic rhinitis and chronic diseases of the ear, throat, nose. More and more people are exposed to allergic reactions.